This thread is for discussions on balance changes for the A&S mod.
Balance change arguments can be made from;

In the Wargame series, there are many different types of weapon systems from small arms like the M16 to powerful Anti-tank rockets and missiles like the SMAW and the RBS 56. Each class of weapons has unique traits that make it better in specific situations or near useless in others, and each weapon system in turn has its own set of traits that can enhance the effectiveness of an already. 'Take off, my Majestic Red Wings, Salamence!' The blue dragon flew out of the ball and landed near Elesa and Skyla. The two gym leaders and Cynthia boarded the dragon's back. Cynthia told Ash and the others just before the dragon took off. Ash and the rest of the group waved as Salamence flew off into the distance.

  1. Steel Division 2; Steel Division: Normandy 44; Wargame: Red Dragon; Wargame: AirLand Battle; Wargame: European Escalation; Act of Aggression Reboot Edition.
  2. Hotkeys for Wargame Red Dragon Key What it does Reminder Q Attack mov e – engage anything en route AttacQ E Stop – Stop the moving unit Nothing really F Move Fast – Take the fastest (not most direct!) route to target F for FAST move C Split units – splits a group of more than 1 unit into separate units Cut the group up.
  3. In Wargame Red Dragon, you are engaged in a large-scale conflict where Western forces clash against the Communist bloc. 1991: the two blocs confront each other in a new theater of war, Asia, joined by various other countries: Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand.

Armory/hidden file mechanic theory and number presentations

Wargame Red Dragon Ash And Shadows Installation

Performance analysis from replays
Both have their strengths and weaknesses. The Weakness of #2 is that results are dependent on player skill levels and tactics or in the case of single unit matchups, it represents of individual units in a vacuum and does not account for higher levels effects that may occur on a complex field. The weakness of #1 is unit statistics alone to not give a perfect account of the capabilities of a unit under all conditions.
For example: The low autonomy of the Japanese heavy tanks. A problem for mobility on large maps, much less so for games on small maps.

Wargame Red Dragon Mods

So understand that 'balance' is an imperfect thing that varies with map size, available terrain, coalition composition and so on.
Generally, my preferred approach to issues of balance, ranked sequentially in preferred mechanism of change is;

Wargame Red Dragon Ash And Shadows Mod

1) Change cost
2) Change vet levels
3) Change availability
4) Change individual stats
5) Change weapon loadouts
And finally, some things are deliberately 'imbalanced'. Example: Poland and Czechoslovakia have, as a general rule, a rather inferior air-force. To balance this, polish and Czech planes tend to get both a cost and an availability/veteran buff to boost their competitiveness.

Wargame Red Dragon Steam

Wargame Red Dragon Skins

Ok. With all that said: Lets discuss units that are over or under-performing.