Queen Estallia
AliasWar Queen
SpeciesGold Myr
OccupationRoyalty (disavowed)
Military Leader
TitleQueen (disavowed)
Many Gold Remnant Soldiers
Several Gold Remnant Brute
NationalityMyrellion, Gilden Republic
  1. Today ima hang out with some friends and sit down for a nice wholesome game. No seriously run.Cleric Pink/ Squeaky93: https://www.youtube.com/user/squeaky9.
  2. Oct 12, 2020 Forums Adult Games Trials in Tainted Space Planetary Discussion Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL) Discussion in ' Planetary Discussion ' started by Savin, Oct 5, 2015.
Queen Estallia (Regular)
LocationMunitions Factory
Initial Lust15
Queen Estallia (Tank)
LocationMunitions Factory
  • 5Combat
    • 5.1Tank
    • 5.2Regular

Kara is the Player Character in The Silence, the first spin-off game based on Trials in Tainted Space. She initially appears in TiTS proper on Myrellion, when Captain Steele first enters the tavern. She approaches Steele, asking Steele to distract a bounty hunter (Shade) who is looking to capture her for the Black Void pirates.


Leader of the remnant fighter the disavowed War Queen Estallia continues the fight against the Scarlet Federation.


A massive woman, towering nearly twice as tall as any of her daughters, with four massive breasts held back by battle-scarred tank treads wrapped around her chest and shoulders. She’s carrying a pair of swords, crude metal beams forged and sharpened into blades fit for her tremendous size.

One of her eyes is covered in a dark cloth, but the other black orb regards you coldly, sizing you up before she finally speaks.

History/Personality/Information of Note

Estallia, aka the War Queen, is the only one of her kind to fight on the front lines. Led a battalion of her own daughters into combat, apparently quite effectively.


She will appear before the PC after defeating Ellira and descending the radio tower stairs.At this point several options are available.

  • Attack - Let's get this over with
    • Start Combat
  • Go Home - Tell the myrish queen to go home. There’s no need to fight here.
    • Save Her - You came all this way to save the gold myr. You have no intention of fighting her... or letting her be captured.
      • If Mischievous Start Combat
      • Else Estallia Leaves
    • Try Peace - You came here to try and stop this war! The Gold Myr have already lost: why keep fighting?
      • Start Combat
  • Surrender - Try and get the queen to surrender. The fight’s already lost, and she’s got a better chance with you than with the Federation commandos.
    • Start Combat
  • Why Fight? - Try and figure out why the myrish War Queen is fighting this hopeless battle!
    • Allows to choose another option
    • Disables Why Fight? talk option.
  • Leave World - Rather than fight a losing battle against the Federation, what if she simply left for greener pastures?
    • Not done Why Fight? talk scene, allows to choose another option
    • Done Why Fight? talk scene, allows the PC to give a suggestion of a planet to go to.
      • Kui-tan - The kui-tan seem to have a serious interest in Myrellion. Surely the queen and her troops would be a smash hit on the ‘nuki homeworld.
        • Estallia and her children leave for a Kui-tan world.
      • Mhen'ga - You know a jungle world that’s full of other honey-swollen yellow insect girls. Maybe the myr would fit in on Mhen’ga?
        • Choosing Mhen'ga will cause Estallia to ask how they will get there.
          • Donate - Give the myr rebels enough credits to buy their way off planet. With so many of them, and one as large as the War Queen... you doubt you could find them passage for less than 30,000 credits.
            • 30,000 Credits
            • Estallia and her children leave for Mhen'ga in several days.
          • Tap Kara - Kara and her smuggler buddies aboard the Ghost owe you a big damn favor, and you know they’re operating around here. Tap your favor with them to evacuate the myrmedion rebels.
            • Finished Karaquest 2 with Kara alive.
            • Estallia and her children are brought to Mhen'ga over several days.
              • There she can be talk about OtherQueens, ColonyStatus and OtherRaces



If the Tank found on the ground floor of the Munitions Factory is not sabotaged, Estallia upon engaging in combat will enter Tank mode.

Move Set

The tank does 2 moves each turn, a Tank move and a Queen Move. Defeating her in Tank mode causes her to switch to regular mode.

Tank Moves

  • Missile Charge - Preps a missile
    • Use Missile next round.
  • Missile - Fire a Missile
    • Destroys Cover
    • If PC is hit chance to trip
  • Crunch - Drive the tank over you
    • PC is tripped
  • Machine gun - Ranged Attack
  • Drive Me Closer - Melee attack large amounts of damage.
    • Armor not gone

Queen Moves

  • Encourage buffer move
  • Plate up - Healing move
    • 1/7 Chance if Armor depleted
    • Regain 100 Armor.
  • Pop Smoke - Buff move
    • 50% chance if Armor less than Half
    • Increases evasion permanently

Estallia in Tank mode is fully immune to tease attacks.

  • 50% immunity to kinetic attacks
  • 35% weakness to electric attacks

Estallia is equipped with a Large Sword with a kinetic damage of 40 and Vanquisher Hand Cannon.

DefensesHull Armor: 20


Upon engaging in combat with Estallia (tank sabotaged) or defeating her tank mode (tank not sabotaged) she will enter regular combat mode supported by a continous stream of several of herdaughters.During the fight you will be joined by Lieve, (Marik if Gold ambush won) and several Red Commandos. Gold Myr Fighters that are defeated are replaced by new Gold Remnant Soldiers or Gold Remnant Brutes indefinitely.

So long as all the non-PC characters are still standing, Lieve, Marik, and the generics will all exclusively target each other. If all the Red-faction NPCs go down, though, they'll all start targeting the PC. Estallia will exclusively target the PC throughout the fight. As soon as the queen goes down, the fight is over.

If the PC still has the Myr Heavy Tranquilizer Dart the can use the Use Tranquilizer action to induce the Tranq'd Status effect on Estallia with the following effects:

  • Estallia's Physique, Reflexes and Armor are halved.
  • Estallia's Libido increases by 25
  • Estallia's Tease, Drug, and Pheromone resistances become -50 %
Move Set
  • Hot - Buffer move
    • 50% Chance if Gold Remnant Brute defeated in previous turn
    • Increases Physique by 15 for one turn
    • Increases Defense by 3 permanently till a maximum of 6
  • Revenge - Hits all opponents
    • 50% Chance if Gold Remnant Soldier defeated in previous turn
    • Attacks hits all opponents
  • Double Whammy - Melee Attack
    • Chance to apply Staggered to opponent
  • Reaving Blow - Melee/Debuff attack
    • Target isn't Staggered and Sundered.
    • Apply Staggered to opponent
    • Apply Sundered to opponent
  • Debris Rain - Debuff Move/Weak Ranged Attack
    • Opponent not Blind
    • Apply Blind
  • 50% immunity to kinetic attacks
  • Not Tranq'd
    • 90% immunity to tease attacks
    • 90% immunity to Pheromone attacks
    • 90% immunity to drug attacks
  • Tranq'd
    • 50% weakness to tease attacks
    • 50% weakness to Pheromone attacks
    • 50% weakness to drug attacks
  • Penises - Really Likes
  • Big masculine endowments - Really likes
  • Big butts - Really likes
  • Big breasts - Really likes

Estallia is equipped with a Large Sword with a kinetic damage of 40, a Vanquisher Hand Cannon and a Basic Shield Generator

DefensesThick Chitin Armor: 25


Upon defeat she will drop one of the following items:

If Estallia is defeated with the PC as the last one standing they have the choice to either:

  • Capture Her - You came here to capture the queen, so that’s what you’re gonna do.
  • Let Her Go - You didn’t want to fight the queen anyway. Let her and her daughters go: as long as they promise to stop their attacks against the Federation.

Note: If The PC is not the only member of the red faction still standing Estallia is automatically captured


Irellia - Trials In Tainted Space Wiki

Estallia currently does not have any sex scenes outside of her BadEnd.

See Full List On Wiki.smutosaur.us


She is the main boss for the Federation Quest

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Queen Irellia
Full nameIldris Nere vas Uldred
SpeciesGold Myr
FamilyQueen Nere (Mother)
Queen Scalla (Sister)
ChildrenLyralla (Daughter)
Several Children
Gilden Republic
  • 4Interactions
    • 4.1Quests


Myrellion Trials In Tainted Space

Queen Irellia is the Gilden Republic Council of Queens' member based in Gildenmere. She can be found in the Gildenmere palace alongside Queen Scalla and Queen Marsail.


You take the chance to get a good look at them. They all share the same gigantic stature, necessary, you assume, to support their four bulging breasts and immense, egg-swollen abdomens. Every inch of them radiates a sort of royal poise, perched atop the knowing sensuality that can only come from frequent, repeated breeding. You see why the myr call them queens.

- Upon encountering Queen Irellia, Queen Marsail, and Queen Scalla altogether for the first time.

Queen Irellia 11’3” tall at her full height (Queens get big), has four honey-dripping breasts, and a supernaturally large abdomen with an egg-gaped pussy at the back end that frequently lays. She paid a fortune to get a pelvis-positioned vagina modded in between her legs, which was risky due to the scientific inexperience with myr genetics. She has relatively long antennae and blue-painted chitin with gold/orange skin tone. She also wears blue lipstick and makeup. Her eyesight is poor and she wears glasses, but they don’t help much.

History/Personality/Information of Note

Notes on her full name construction:

  • Irellia - Chosen Queen name.
  • Ildris - Assigned name.
  • Nere - Mother’s name.
  • vas Uldred - 'vas' indicates a dwelling or location. (Essentially, that her headquarters is based in a place called Uldred.)

Irellia was low a ranking Queen, but is climbing in power rapidly. Now, she is out-birthing other queens in her age group. She spends a lot of time breeding (a necessity of her job). As a child, she was bullied for her small stature, but becoming a Queen changed all that, of course.


Irellia’s interactions are limited when Captain Steele first meets her, but after completing her quest, her talking and sex options will become available.


Irellia has the following quests:


This quest is activated after agreeing to help Irellia foil a suspected rebel group’s terrorist attack.

After volunteering to become a private investigator for the Queens, Irellia will give Steele a Myr Security Radio to call in the location of the red myr sympathizers.

While the quest is active, there is a 1/35 chance that Steele will receive an invitation to a unification rally while walking around the streets of Gildenmere. After receiving the invite, the rally itself will take place on the southwest corner of the Mushroom Park at 18:00. Steele can show up at this location on any given day, as long as the hour is within 18:00, or 30 minutes into 18:00, to proceed with the next stage of the quest.

While attending the rally, Steele will encounter a suspicious individual with a group of her Federation sympathizers. She will invite Steele to join her at the northwest corner of the city at 23:30, the day after, and promptly disappears. Steele can choose to Call In the location or remain silent about it.

If Steele decides not to call in the information, a bomb will go off in the city at midnight. If Steele decides to call in the information before the bomb goes off, Steele will need to wait until there is a codex message about Irellia wanting to talk (approximately at midnight or later). Steele can then visit Irellia to collect the reward. Alternatively, if Steele tries to meet up the with the rebels at the appointed time and location, the bomb will go off, disorienting Steele and Steele will be framed and caught as a patsy for the terrorist attack, leading to a Bad End.

It is possible for Steele to approach Irellia and report to her personally instead of using the radio. If the bomb has not yet gone off, the information will be used to apprehend the suspects. If the bomb has gone off and Steele misses the appointment with the rebels, the Queens will resent Steele for botching up the assignment and further interaction with them is limited.


  • 20000 credits
  • Access to Queen Irellia’s private chambers.

Note: If the bomb goes off, the quest will be considered incomplete.


Irellia can Discuss about some subjects, including: birthing, Gildenmere, being a queen, and the ceasefire.


If Steele’s lust is high enough and Irellia has recovered from her previous sexual activities (approximately eight hours between sex), Irellia will have some sex scenes available:

  • Fuck Frontgina - Fuck the myr queen’s vagina - specifically the one between her legs.
    • Requires a penis that fits.
    • Inside - Cum inside of the queen.
    • Outside - Cum all over the queen.
  • Tailfuck - Fuck the myr queen’s vagina - specifically the one mounted at the end of her egg-distended abdomen. It looks like it can handle quite a large dick.
    • Requires a penis that fits.
  • DoubleTeam - You, a drone (male) from her reserves, and the queen all have some fun. She’s probably got quite a lot of drones to choose from. Note that a myr-cock will end up inside of you.
    • Can choose between three different males. (Other than the different males, the sex scene is largely the same throughout the three branches.)
      • Muscular - Iloden.
      • Moderate - Aurin.
      • Feminine - Etheln.
  • Tittyfuck - Have sex with all four of her breasts.
    • Requires a penis with a length of 15' or more.
  • Sixtynine - Sixtynine as only a pair of people sporting vaginas can!
    • Requires a vagina(s).


Steele can also choose to Snack from Irellia’s breasts. This option will induce the 'Royal Nectar' status effect which buffs maximum energy by 40 points for two days.

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