To install under MacOS/X, download and install Code::Blocks from the webpage as any other MacOS software. Then, to setup Code::Bocks, see this article: Installingasupportedcompiler#MacOSX.


Update to Code::Blocks Command Locations

Newer releases of Code::Blocks may change some of the locations of key commands referenced in the book. This is more of an issue with Code::Blocks than my book, but if you send me any discrepancies I'll happily place them on the book's Errata page.

  • Then, go to your operating platform section (e.g. Click on the link opposite to to download the package, or click here to download. Now extract the downloaded.
  • The visual studio Code is also available for Mac os and Linux along with Windows. In my list of best C IDE it holds second place. When you are looking for the best C IDE for Windows 10, without a doubt, Visual Studio is the outstanding one. They also support various other code that you can use.
  • Code::Blocks 20.03 for Mac is currently not available due to issues caused by Apple hardening their install packages and lack of Mac developers. We could use an extra Mac developer to work on these issues. The provided download contains an Application Bundle (for the i386 architecture) built for Mac OS X 10.6 (and later), bundling most Code.

The Man Page viewer may not be found in some releases of Code::Blocks. That's okay; the version I wrote about in the book was rather unreliable when it came to displaying the man pages.

Getting a Mac Compiler

If you don't have Xcode, or Apple won't let you download Xcode because your OS X is too old, then you can obtain the clang compiler directly. Visit Download a clang release that matches your version of OS X, or the binaries for Mac OS X for an older version of clang.

In Code::Blocks you need to set clang as the compiler of choice. In Code::Blocks, choose Settings > Compiler. Choose LLVM Clang Compiler from the menu button.

Be aware that the Mac version of Code::Blocks has issues! If possible, I recommend using Xcode instead.

Code::Blocks Won't Compile or Loses the Source Code

If you're having trouble getting Code::Blocks to compile, you may have an issue with its installation. Specifically, Code::Blocks may be unable to find the proper directory for the compiler. Here are the steps to remedy the situation:

  1. Open a Windows Explorer window (shortcut: Win+E)
  2. Navigate to the compiler's bin folder, such as C:Program Files (x86)CodeBlocksMinGWbin
  3. Right-click in the address bar and choose the command Copy Address.
  4. Start Code::Blocks
  5. Press Ctrl+Shift+N to start a new, empty file.
  6. Choose Settings > Compiler to display the Compiler Settings dialog box.
  7. Click the tab Toolchain Executables.
  8. Paste the copied address into the Compiler's Installation Directory text box.
  9. Click the OK button to set the location.

The video (below) visually describes how to address this issue.

The program doesn't run

If your program looks fine, compiles, but it doesn't run or appear in the output window, confirm that an output window isn't already open. This problem occurs because you've already ran a program, but failed to close the output window. Closing that open output window (the command prompt in Windows or a terminal window for Unix/Linux) fixes the problem.

What is the -s Option and Why is It Obsolete?

You may see a linker warning on some Code::Blocks installations. It reads:

warning: option -s is obsolete and being ignored

I've seen this message appear primarily on Macintosh installations. Because it's a warning, the code does compile. In fact, there's nothing wrong with the code or the program; the message is just a warning because an old option was set.

Here's the man page for the ld (linker) command regarding the -s option:

I'm unaware of how to disable this warning, although I'm sure a switch that does the trick is hidden somewhere in Code::Blocks, where the linker options are set. When I find that location, I'll post a solution here.

Code Blocks Compiler Mac Os X

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This tutorial explains how to install Codeblocks on your local environment or PC with Windows, Mac, or on Linux.

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This tutorial explains how to install Codeblocks on your local environment or PC with Windows, Mac, or on Linux.

CodeBlocks is a cross-platform, open-source, free IDE that supports GCC, Visual C++, and Clang compilers. Codeblocks was developed in C++ using wxWidgets for Windows and Linux as the GUI toolkit. It is oriented towards C, C++, and Fortran with custom build system support.

Install CodeBlocks IDE on Windows

  • Visit Click Download from the menu, then click on download the binary release.
  • Go to your operating platform section (e.g., Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8.x / 10), then download the installer with GCC Compiler, e.g., codeblocks-17.12mingw-setup.exe or Click here to download.
  • Double-click to run the downloaded installer and click Next on the pop-up window. Now click on “I Agree” to accept the license agreement.
  • On the new pop-up, don’t do anything, just click Next and then change the installation directory if you want (default directory recommended). Click Install.
  • Wait for a minute for installation to complete. A new pop-up asks you to run Codeblocks. Click YES, and then it shows the compiler Codeblocks detected. Click OK.
  • Now we have installed Codeblocks on windows.

Code Block Compiler File

We need to verify the Compiler and Debugger path (this step is optional).

  • Go to menu options and click on Settings >> Compiler. In the selected compiler, by default, it shows GNU GCC Compiler. Now select the “Toolchain Executables” tab from the below tabs and check the Compiler’s Installation Directory is set to “C:Program FilescodeblocksMinGW.
  • Similarly, for debugger path: Settings >> Debugger >> GDB/CDB debugger >> Default. In Executable, the path should be C:Program FilescodeblocksMinGWbingdb.exe or C:MinGWbingdb.exe if you have installed MinGW compiler before installing Codeblocks.
Code Blocks Compiler Mac Os X

Note: If you encountered problems running the debugger with CodeBlocks, do a clean installation. Uninstall Codeblocks and then first install MinGW and then install Codeblocks.


Code Blocks Compiler Mac Os X 10.12

Thanks for reading!

programming blogs,c language,c++ beginner course,integration,tutorial,install codeblocks,open source

Published at DZone with permission of Chand Pasha. See the original article here.

Opinions expressed by DZone contributors are their own.